GABA Labs wants to work with you to enable better-informed choices for consumers and society. Choices that reduce alcohol harms at the individual, family, community and societal levels.

GABA Labs is creating ingredients designed to enable a new generation of drinks that have the key desirable effects of alcohol – conviviality and relaxation – but without the bad.
We are very interested in your view of this. For example, we noticed a marked change in attitudes among health professionals at the end of 2020. We had asked if you thought our vision for improved public health could work. We saw that over 2020, the naysayers reduced significantly while the positive responses increased. This tallies with increased awareness of the harms of alcohol.

These results have led us to ask a follow up question about public policy. Please join the conversation below to tell us your views and to see what others are saying.
Thanks very much for taking part. As we enable new choices for adult social drinkers it’s crucial for us to know how you’re feeling and thinking.