We all want choices about what we consume. But for social drinking, the choice is binary – alcohol, or not.
GABA Labs is proposing to revolutionise this limited choice with a third option, called Alcarelle. A biomimetic ingredient for adult drinks designed to mimic some of the positive effects of alcohol – conviviality and relaxation – while avoiding the harms.

Alcarelle will start going through the regulatory process in the US (FDA GRAS) in mid 2024, and is targeted for consumer availability in 2026/7. We will market it to the Drinks Industry as an ingredient, enabling them to create a whole new class of adult social drinks that will give you what you want from alcohol, without the alcohol.
We’re designing this future of adult social drinking around you, and your input is crucial.
Over 3,700 of you have engaged with us so far. You’ve had lots of questions, now answered in our FAQs, and you have given some very positive feedback:
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